StrataSurv Surveyors provides complete and comprehensive survey management of projects both large and small in scope for Land Subdivision & Development, Building and Construction and Roads.
We collect, store and share spatial data, using the latest technology for mapping and photogrammetry, satellite imagery and surveying.
With our affiliations in Certification, Legal and Shared Facility Management we are able provide advice and services (full or partial) for our client's developments from the Preliminary concepts to the Completion stage.
Project Management for Land Development
We can arrange for or liase with your existing consultant database as well as governing bodies such as the Department of Planning and your local Council on your behalf.
Our process looks at all aspects of Title creation while investigating cost effective methods to give a integrated and complete package.
We are able to provide the documentation, lodge and attend on all authorities for subdivision approvals and necessary planning to achieve the realisation of the project.
A comprehensive Land Development Package will assist to complete each of the stages and bring the works to practical completion & occupation.
"StrataSurv aim to create wealth for our clients"
From 2 lots to 1000 lots Stratasurv can provide advice